القائمة الرئيسية


After Israel's occupation of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Golan in Syria The Israeli army  decided to establish a large barrier with a berm to prevent the crossing of the Egyptian army to reach the other bank of the Suez Canal, and equipped it to be able to repel any gunshot and included 22 defensive sites, and 26 fortified points, and planted around it minefields and barbed wire, and its height ranges between 20 to 22 meters and about 400 million dollars were spent on it, and it became the strongest defense line known in history, called the "Bar Lev line" in relation to the one proposed by the Chief of Staff Israeli Haim Bar-Lev, the noose intensified

Saudi Arabia bought Egypt high-power water pumps as agricultural pumps so as not to reveal the Egyptian military plans and to keep suspicion away from them by the Israelis, and they were shipped to Jeddah before being delivered to the Egyptians, and indeed water pumps were used to penetrate the Bar-Lev line and it was blown up and demolished in 6 hours, and it was facilitated for soldiers to cross the canal and thus achieve the 'great victory, and Saudi Arabia had a major role in the victory in the October 1973 war. In 1980, King Fahd – may God have mercy on him – ordered the establishment of the "Jeddah Fountain" to serve as a gift to the residents and visitors of the city of Jeddah, which works with one of the 7 pumps that

The "Jeddah Fountain" was not only one of the most prominent tourist attractions, but also became a witness to the events of the victory of the Arab nation and the support of the Arab brothers

